Tuesday 10 July 2012

You are just one workout away from a good mood!

I recently read this inspirational line. Who first said it? I'm not sure, but its very true! Exercise lifts our mood and brightens our spirits. Its scietifially proven, endorphins and all that! As well as being a natural anti-depressant it gives us a health conscious state of mind. What do I mean by that? Personally when I exercise whether its hitting the gym or just walking the dog, I feel healthier. Feeling healthy helps me make better food choices, discourages me from drinking too much alcohol when I go out and gives me the get up and go feeling we all need at times! Exercising in the morning gives me a positive attitude for a good start to the day. I really do believe exercise and mental health are linked more than people give credit for. It may sound cringey but we are always just one work out away from a good mood (cringe).

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