Tuesday 10 July 2012

Why i started this and thanks for reading

I have started this blog mainly out of boredom! Dont take that the wrong way, your not reading the thoughts of a bored teenager with notthing better to do than write posts like this! Boredom was the driving force behind my goal to become a happier healthier person. I am currently on a 4 month break from college and it is difficult going from being in lectures, doing assigments and studying for exams to sitting on the couch watching Dr. Phil every morning! The boredom makes you borderline depressed, yes i have a part time job and friends but college was a huge part of my life. So this summer i have decided to fill that void and avoid this boredom/deppresion by becoming a healthier person. That means that by eating healthier and excercising more, I plan to become more healthy, physically and mentally!

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