Wednesday 11 July 2012

Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.

Another wise quote from the internet, yet also very true. We have all done it, started diets and exercise regimes. For the first few days its great, there is a reason we made the change and thats what keeps us motivated. That reason and motivation soon wears off and the only way to continue forward is by making those changes a habit. By incorparating them into your life so it is not such a struggle. How do we do this? By doing what suits you. If you find that the gym isnt working for you, find another way to exercise. Don't just eat the foods your told are healthy, learn what healthy foods you enjoy. Figure out how you body works, what time of the day you find exercising most enjoyable, for me its the morning. Recognise when you are in danger of eating badly, I find that its when I'm bored I reach for not so healthy food. Dont fight against your body forcing it to do whats hardest. These changes your making become habit, your new way of living.

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