Monday 23 July 2012

Alcohol effects

I find it so hard not to eat unheatlhy food after drinkin alcohol and then again when im hungover! I hate to admit it but alcohol really is poison. It is itself so bad for you and then encourages you to make further unhealthy choices. I really am going to cut down on drinking when I'm out. Drink less, dance more and all that!

When you put it like that!

Friday 20 July 2012

Week 1 Weigh In

 I got off to a great start, I’m 6 pounds down. Very happy with this loss, but I know the first week is when it comes of easiest so Im aiming for 3 pounds next week. The novelty and motivation that I first had is starting to wear off but I’m hoping to make it another good week :)

Wednesday 18 July 2012

"We dont get what we wish for, we get what we work for!"

New Exercises

Doing the same sit-ups, lunges and squats can get boring. Change up your body sculpting routine with thes effective exercises.

Some Positive Thinking

The 1000 Calf Raise Challenge.

 If you like me want toned legs, then give this a try!! I dunno will I make a 1000 but every lil helps :)

Make your work, work for you!

Depending on how busy/active you are, you can burn more calories than you think working. I work as a waitress and am constantly rushing around, carrying heavy plates and cleaning. I just found out that by doing this I could be burning up to 300 calories per hour! If you too have a physically demanding job then this is good news :)

Monday 16 July 2012

You learn something new every day!

At rest 1lb of muscle burns 15 Calories, 

 while 1lb of fat burns just 1! 

Wednesday 11 July 2012


Just add bananas, orange juice and blend and you have a great way to start your day!

Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.

Another wise quote from the internet, yet also very true. We have all done it, started diets and exercise regimes. For the first few days its great, there is a reason we made the change and thats what keeps us motivated. That reason and motivation soon wears off and the only way to continue forward is by making those changes a habit. By incorparating them into your life so it is not such a struggle. How do we do this? By doing what suits you. If you find that the gym isnt working for you, find another way to exercise. Don't just eat the foods your told are healthy, learn what healthy foods you enjoy. Figure out how you body works, what time of the day you find exercising most enjoyable, for me its the morning. Recognise when you are in danger of eating badly, I find that its when I'm bored I reach for not so healthy food. Dont fight against your body forcing it to do whats hardest. These changes your making become habit, your new way of living.

This takes discipline!

Comedian/vlogger Jenna Mourey's vegan diet!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

This is too true!

Taken from

You are just one workout away from a good mood!

I recently read this inspirational line. Who first said it? I'm not sure, but its very true! Exercise lifts our mood and brightens our spirits. Its scietifially proven, endorphins and all that! As well as being a natural anti-depressant it gives us a health conscious state of mind. What do I mean by that? Personally when I exercise whether its hitting the gym or just walking the dog, I feel healthier. Feeling healthy helps me make better food choices, discourages me from drinking too much alcohol when I go out and gives me the get up and go feeling we all need at times! Exercising in the morning gives me a positive attitude for a good start to the day. I really do believe exercise and mental health are linked more than people give credit for. It may sound cringey but we are always just one work out away from a good mood (cringe).

Why i started this and thanks for reading

I have started this blog mainly out of boredom! Dont take that the wrong way, your not reading the thoughts of a bored teenager with notthing better to do than write posts like this! Boredom was the driving force behind my goal to become a happier healthier person. I am currently on a 4 month break from college and it is difficult going from being in lectures, doing assigments and studying for exams to sitting on the couch watching Dr. Phil every morning! The boredom makes you borderline depressed, yes i have a part time job and friends but college was a huge part of my life. So this summer i have decided to fill that void and avoid this boredom/deppresion by becoming a healthier person. That means that by eating healthier and excercising more, I plan to become more healthy, physically and mentally!